Eight Things I Hate About You, Ben

Okay, no, not really. I don’t hate you, I LURVE you… 🙂

Backstory to the rest of you: this meme has been making the rounds for simply ages. I have been tagged with it at least twice, and I know I’ve tagged Mr. Varkentine at least once. Since Ben has asked me to do it again, and this time with no whining, I feel a challenge has been issued–and I am not one to back down from a challenge without at least trying.

Yet Eight More Things You May Not Know About Me:

1) Four weeks ago, I bought a coffee and a cookie for a homeless person sitting outside the Starbucks near my house. I just walked up to him and asked him if he would like a coffee, and what he would want in it. I felt like a human being afterwards.

2) I will never go back to a dial-up internet connection.

3) I have champagne taste and beer money. I like stuff that is good quality, and will go into debt to buy it rather than buy something cheap and fast.

4) I am a sentimental thing. I keep stuff like letters, poems, etc. for years. Several years ago, my favourite cousin dropped by the studio where I worked and when I wasn’t there, wrote me a very simple note that read: “Dear Jen, Just wanted to say hi! Hope you’re good, give me a call. Love, Encyclopedia Brown.” I still have it.

5) I have been really, REALLY drunk only three or four times in my life…and I never had a hangover.

6) I’m pretty intuitive, and only read owner’s manuals about 15% of the time.

7) As a kid, I was the one in the house who had to fix the toaster and the toilet. I was the only one who knew how to program the VCR, since Dad was always away at hockey. I felt good knowing I was good with my hands mechanically.

8) The best gift I ever received was from my grandparents when I was 12, and I know it was Grandpa who picked it out. It was two Agatha Christie murder mysteries, and a notebook with a pen. The note attached said, “it’s time you started writing stories of your own.” It was such an amazing thing to me; it was like they knew I was no longer a little kid, and I felt it showed faith in me and my abilities. I miss my Grandpa.

Apparently, I’ve messed up the rules. I was supposed to post them and then tag people. I guess I could tag Esso…